Re: LyX version 2.3.7 question

Daniel xracoonx at
Mon Jan 16 09:57:39 UTC 2023

On 2023-01-16 08:26, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Am Montag, dem 16.01.2023 um 05:41 +0000 schrieb Edwin Burmeister:
>> Sometimes LyX generates and saves files with the form:
>> #filename#
>> What does this mean?
> These are files stored by LyX in the autosave routine that is conducted
> in a given interval. It is used to restore unsaved changes if the
> program crashes.
> The file should be removed if you really save your file.

That should probably be clarified in the "User's Guide". Currently, this 
is not so:

"C.1.2.2 Backup & saving

Backup original documents when saving creates a backup copy of the file 
in the state when it was opened or when it was saved the last time. It 
is stored in the Backup directory (see section [sec:Paths]) or in the 
same folder as your document if no Backup directory is specified. The 
backup file has the file extension “.lyx~”.

With the option Backup documents, every, you can specify the time 
between backup saves."

So, something should be added like

"This backup file has the format “#<filename>.lyx#”."

Maybe even add these filename conventions to the Preferences dialog.


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