Insert a command Before \documentclass

Ricardo Berlasso rgb.mldc at
Tue Feb 28 19:50:29 UTC 2023

El mar, 28 feb 2023 a las 20:14, tush via lyx-users (<
lyx-users at>) escribió:

> I want to use the package fix-cm.

Not a direct answer to your problem,(1) but why do you want to use fix-cm
package? AFAIK this package is used only to fix limitations with the old
Computer Modern fonts (hence the -cm in the name). But if that's the case
you'll be better switching to Latin Modern which is better than the old CM
fonts. You can even move to [Xe|Lua]LaTeX and use an OpenType conversion
such as NewComputerModern.

(1) I think there is a command to force code to go at the beginning of the
preamble, but I cannot remember it right now. Maybe someone here have
better memory than me? ;)


> In the manual it is stressed that one should load the package before
> \documentclass, and use the command \RequirePackage to do so, rather than
> the normal \usepackage:
> \RequirePackage{fix-cm}
> \documentclass ...
> Any idea how I can do this in LyX?
> --
> lyx-users mailing list
> lyx-users at
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