input child document doesn't work

Alwin van Steensel alwinvansteensel at
Wed Feb 15 14:57:25 UTC 2023

Dear Stephan,

Thank you for your quick answer, it solved the problem. The LyX dialog
popup window indeed was behind the main window. I can now input a Lyx
document into another LyX document.

I now directly run into a closely related next problem that when I check
the preview checkbox, no preview is being shown. I will research this
problem first, I am only mentioning in case you / someone directly knows
the answer to it.

Anyway, thanks again for you help!

Best regards,


G.A. van Steensel
Kapuzinerstraße 7
52428 Jülich, Germany
tel: +316 22122 060

On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 2:48 PM Stephan Witt <st.witt at> wrote:

> Am 15.02.2023 um 14:01 schrieb Alwin van Steensel <
> alwinvansteensel at>:
> >
> > Dear people in the LyX users group,
> >
> > I hope this is the right place to ask this question, if not I apologize.
> I've tried to find an answer by Googling and in the archive of this mailing
> list but couldn't find an answer.
> >
> > My question is regarding the function to insert a child document into a
> LyX document using the input type insertion. When I insert another LyX file
> into my current LyX file
> >
> > insert > file > child document
> >
> > and in the pop-up windows choose browse and select a file and choose the
> include type to be
> >
> > input
> >
> > nothing happens. Nothing is added into the document. (If the document
> was saved before trying this and I close the file afterwards, it doesn't
> ask me if I want to save the document of discard the changes. So the
> attempt to insert a document didn't make any changes in the document.)
> Dear Alwin,
> there is a problem report in LyX ticket system:
> I think you’re suffering from the same effect. The LyX dialog popup with
> the file chooser button is not the top-most window after you made your
> choice. You may move the LyX main window slightly to the left/right or
> up/down and probably will see the dialog popup sitting behind the main
> window.
> This is an unsolved bug.
> Best regards,
> Stephan
> >
> > Some system details:
> >
> > LyX 2.3.7
> > MacOS version 13.1 Ventura
> > Tex Live 2017 (on path)
> >
> > Additional info:
> >
> >       • It used to work half a year ago:
> > The function did work before. I've not been using LyX for about 5 months
> but last time I did, it did work. According to the last date the files were
> edited it still worked 10th of October 2022. I was using an older version
> of LyX at the time and updated it only yesterday to see if it would solve
> the problem. The older LyX version is not a very old version though, I
> believe it was a 2.3.x version.
> >       • The only thing changed on my system (I believe) is the MacOS
> version:
> > Therefore at first glance it seems to me that it has something to do
> with updating my MacOS operating system to Monterey earlier and Ventura
> now. From the LyX download page I understand these newer versions of MacOS
> no longer include a Python interpreter which LyX needs to work. It refers
> to this page which shows how to install Python. However, python is already
> installed on my system and on my path, i.e. the command 'python3' starts a
> python session in my terminal. The command 'python' (no 3 at the end) gives
> an error (perhaps LyX wants to use this command?). The page also describes
> a message popping up when first opening LyX after a fresh install and
> Python is not found on the system, I don't remember such a message popping
> up when I first started LyX after the new installation. I just reinstalled
> LyX again to see if it would pop up now but it didn't. It seems Python is
> there and LyX can find it (I didn't get a pop up message) but I am not
> certain. I wouldn't know what else could be the problem.
> > Any help would be greatly appreciated. If any more information is needed
> I will provide it as best as I can. Thank you in advance.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Alwin
> >
> >
> >
> > G.A. van Steensel
> > Kapuzinerstraße 7
> > 52428 Jülich, Germany
> > tel: +316 22122 060
> > --
> > lyx-users mailing list
> > lyx-users at
> >
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