Tables: Setting width for entire column

Udicoudco udifoglle at
Fri Feb 10 17:59:39 UTC 2023

On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 7:30 PM Rich Shepard <rshepard at>

> On Fri, 10 Feb 2023, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> > I'm with Udi on this. Maybe you should post a MWE?
> Paul, Udi:
> I placed the cursor in a cell below the first row (for each column) and
> changed the widths from inches to % text area (43%, 53%). Not using the top
> row cell made a difference.
> The table heading and the cell underlines overhang the right margin a bit.
> I
> don't know how fix this.
> MWE attached.
> Regards,
> Rich--

Since the alignment of the text inside the second
row is centered, contrary to the rest of the tabular,
these cells are typeset inside \multicell, and in this
case their width can be independent from the width
of their column.

If you will keep the column width field in the settings empty,
they will have the same width as the rest of the column
(currently they have widths of 45% and 55% of \textwidth, thus
the table flows out of the screen).
Change the column width only when the cursor is below
the headings.


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