URL question

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Wed Feb 8 15:55:25 UTC 2023

I thought that after inserting a URL (either from the Insert menu or as ERT)
compiling with pdflatex would automatically break the string to fit the text
area. This one doesn't fit the line.

A MWE is attached.

-------------- next part --------------
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\begin_layout Standard
The specifics of the antidegradation review protocol are in the Antidegradation
 Policy Implementation Internal Management Directive for NPDES Permits and
 Section 401 Water Quality Certifications 
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\begin_layout Plain Layout



 in March 2001.
 The antidegradation internal management directive provides step-by-step
 directions to guide staff through the antidegradation review process.
 The goal of the review is to determine if the proposed activity would likely
 result in any measurable change in water quality away from conditions unimpacte
d by anthropogenic sources (outside the mixing zone, if existing).

\begin_layout Standard



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