[RFC] Acknowledgment theorem type
Hal Kierstead
hal.kierstead at me.com
Fri Feb 3 15:34:19 UTC 2023
> On Feb 3, 2023, at 8:16 AM, Pavel Sanda <sanda at lyx.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 01, 2023 at 04:13:32PM +0100, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> As you might know, LyX features a theorem type "Acknowledgment" via the
>> "AMS extended" theorems modules. This is a question for people using
>> this.
> ...
>> (a) expressing gratefulness (credits, as in the "Acknowledgment" section of books or articles),
>> (b) expressing respect ("In acknowledgment of his special merits he was appointed as honorary conductor of the orchestra"),
>> (c) the act or fact of accepting the truth or recognizing the existence of something ("acknowledgment of a mistake"),
>> (d) a confirmation ("I have received no acknowledgment")
> So this is what we got as an response from AMS tech support:
>> An "Acknowledgment" theorem type is not implemented in the amsthm package.
>> The confusion probably comes from an entry in the amsthm documentation,
>> amsthdoc.pdf, where "Acknowledgment" is listed as a theorem heading that's
>> normally associated with the Remark style. Admittedly, this should not have
>> been included in the documentation, but the person who originally put it
>> there was thinking of case (a). In our publications, we treat these types of
>> Acknowledgments as an unnumbered section appearing at the end of the article,
>> so we do not recommend doing this as a theorem type. We will probably remove
>> this from the next version of the documentation.
> I actually looked at our latex source and it seems we are defining this ourselves :)
> \theoremstyle{remark}
> \newtheorem{acknowledgement}[thm]{\protect\acknowledgementname}
> Riki, wouldn't it make sense to delete the whole theorem style "acknowledgement"
> extension from LyX?
> Pavel
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I use this for most papers in the sense (a). Why delete it? Note that “Acknowledgment” is suggested in the amsthm instructions—just like “Lemma".
The \theoremstyle command
The amsthm package supports the notion of a current theorem style, which determines what will be produced by a given \newtheorem command. The three theorem styles provided—plain, definition, and remark—specify different degrees of visual emphasis corresponding to their relative importance. The details of this typographical treatment may vary depending on the document class, but typically the plain style produces italic body text, while the other two styles produce roman body text. These default settings are provided:
• plain : italic text, extra space above and below;
• definition : upright text, extra space above and below; • remark : upright text, no extra space above or below.
If no \theoremstyle command is given, the style used will be plain. To specify different styles, divide your \newtheorem commands into groups and preface each group with the appropriate \theoremstyle. Some examples:
\theoremstyle{plain}% default
\newtheorem*{KL}{Klein’s Lemma}
Using the amsthm package
Number swapping
The following list summarizes the types of structures which are normally associated with each theorem style.
Theorem, Lemma, Corollary, Proposition, Conjecture, Criterion, Assertion
Definition, Condition, Problem, Example, Exercise, Algorithm, Question, Axiom, Property, Assumption, Hypothesis
Remark, Note, Notation, Claim, Summary, Acknowledgment, Case, Conclusion
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