[RFC] Acknowledgment theorem type

Pavel Sanda sanda at lyx.org
Fri Feb 3 15:16:07 UTC 2023

On Wed, Feb 01, 2023 at 04:13:32PM +0100, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:
> Dear all,
> As you might know, LyX features a theorem type "Acknowledgment" via the
> "AMS extended" theorems modules. This is a question for people using
> this.
>(a) expressing gratefulness (credits, as in the "Acknowledgment" section of books or articles), 
>(b) expressing respect ("In acknowledgment of his special merits he was appointed as honorary conductor of the orchestra"),
>(c) the act or fact of accepting the truth or recognizing the existence of something ("acknowledgment of a mistake"),
>(d) a confirmation ("I have received no acknowledgment")

So this is what we got as an response from AMS tech support:

> An "Acknowledgment" theorem type is not implemented in the amsthm package.
> The confusion probably comes from an entry in the amsthm documentation,
> amsthdoc.pdf, where "Acknowledgment" is listed as a theorem heading that's
> normally associated with the Remark style. Admittedly, this should not have
> been included in the documentation, but the person who originally put it
> there was thinking of case (a). In our publications, we treat these types of
> Acknowledgments as an unnumbered section appearing at the end of the article,
> so we do not recommend doing this as a theorem type. We will probably remove
> this  from the next version of the documentation.

I actually looked at our latex source and it seems we are defining this ourselves :)

Riki, wouldn't it make sense to delete the whole theorem style "acknowledgement"
extension from LyX?


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