[RFC] Acknowledgment theorem type

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 15:07:08 UTC 2023

Am Mittwoch, dem 01.02.2023 um 16:13 +0100 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> If you use or are familiar with the Acknowledgment theorem type: what
> are its general purposes, or how do you use it?

Clarification comes from AMS technical support (thanks Pavel for
approaching them):


An "Acknowledgment" theorem type is not implemented in the amsthm
package. The confusion probably comes from an entry in the amsthm
documentation, amsthdoc.pdf, where "Acknowledgment" is listed as a
theorem heading that's normally associated with the Remark style.
Admittedly, this should not have been included in the documentation,
but the person who originally put it there was thinking of case (a). In
our publications, we treat these types of Acknowledgments as an
unnumbered section appearing at the end of the article, so we do not
recommend doing this as a theorem type. We will probably remove this
from the next version of the documentation.

Brian Bartling


So we shouldn't have implemented this theorem type at all, but now that
we have it, we will treat its semantics as proposed by Brian.


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