Laggy cursor

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at
Tue Aug 8 07:56:41 UTC 2023

On Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 04:27:44PM -0600, Tim Garrett wrote:
> I’ve been having a problem with cursor and typing speed. I find the speed of the cursor is inversely proportional to the length of the paragraph I write. Fine for one sentence. Anything more is pretty bad and of course gets tiresome. I’d appreciate any ideas as I’ve been a user since KLyX 0.3 in 2001 so pretty much my entire career is now on a super-laggy platform.

Hi Tim,

Are you by chance editing inside a branch inset? I ask because it's a known problem that editing is slow inside a large branch.

Second, do you by chance have the source LaTeX pane open (showing the LaTeX)? If so, that could cause slowness also.

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