LyX generated preamble package loading order.

Folsk Pratima folsk0pratima at
Wed Aug 2 17:39:14 UTC 2023

LyX generated preamble package loading order.


Debian 11. LyX 2.3.6 (2020-11-27).

I want to use *titlesec* package in my document. However, if it is 
loaded /after/ *hyperref* package, it causes inconsistent behavior. For 
example, ToC entries might point to wrong places.

One solution to this problem is loading *hyperref* manually, however, I 
think of this as of a hack. Is it possible to somehow make *titlesec* to 
be loaded before *hyperref*? I tried to declare a .module, but it 
failed. The module code is listed at the end. The module appears in 
Document -> Settings -> Modules, however, loading it does not cause the 
\usepackage{titlesec} to be added to preamble. I tried using 
AddToPreamble block, however, its contents come after *hyperref* is loaded.

#\DeclareLyXModule[titlesec.sty]{Custom Titles}
#Adds titlesec package functionality to redefine appearance
#of existing titles, such as \section{} or \paragraph{}
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