Advanced text editing commands

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Thu Apr 27 15:27:45 UTC 2023

On 4/27/23 10:57, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> I imagine Emacs users have similar desires to use Emacs features in LyX. 

In the case of Emacs, there is the file emacs.bind, which implements 
some of the Emacs key bindings. The problem with vi is the modes, which 
would take work to implement. But you could certainly implement some 
kind of 'trigger' keystroke (something you don't use much, say the 
pipe), and then implement some vi key bindings as key sequences. I.e., 
in effect the pipe would 'switch modes' momentarily. This would not work 
well for character-type navigation, but for other commands it might work.

It may be that the things some key bindings do is not yet implemented. 
But you can do a lot with sequences of LyX commands (via the 
command-sequence LFUN).


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