centering frame titles in beamer

Tom Goldring tom.goldring at
Tue Apr 25 01:04:39 UTC 2023

My apologies, somehow I missed seeing your answer. Could you please resend?


On 4/24/23 5:31 PM, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> On 4/24/23 15:18, Tom Goldring wrote:
>> I am able to create a slide presentation in LyX using beamer. Is 
>> there an easy way to center the frame titles without going through 
>> trial and error adjustments (depending on the length of the frame 
>> title) for each frame?
> You asked this and I answered last week. Assuming my answer did not 
> solve the problem, can you supply more information (why it didn't 
> work, any special concerns, ...).
> Paul
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