LyxFun questions

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at
Sat Apr 1 17:55:21 UTC 2023

Le 01/04/2023 à 19:32, Matthew Bandy a écrit :
> It turns out that the order of the arguments is important. Specifically, 
> filename has to come last. So:
>   LYXCMD:copilot:inset-apply:graphics width "3in" lyxscale 50 filename 
> photo.png
> .... works, while
> LYXCMD:copilot:inset-apply:graphics filename photo.png width "3in" 
> lyxscale 50
> ... does not. I really wish this stuff were documented somewhere...

Yes, the order matters. The best "documentation" that we have is to look 
at the LyX source. Show the Code Panel and select LyX format. When the 
cursor in on a Graphics inset, you will see the syntax in the .lyx file.

The syntax is related to our parsing code, and our parsing code is not 
very flexible.


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