Re MacOS Ventura trouble

mkriele at mkriele at
Sat Oct 29 15:52:31 UTC 2022

Thanks, el!  For the record, I used LyX both prior and after my Ventura adventure.  After I downgraded to the previous OS-version (12.6.1. Monterey) and re-installed python I did not have any trouble, even though I only seem to have python3 (and python3.11) in my path.  But if I run in problems again, your symlink will be the first thing I try. And should I upgrade the OS again, I will know to look for python before starting LyX.

Regards, Marcus

> On 29 Oct 2022, at 13:54, Dr Eberhard W Lisse <nospam at lisse.NA> wrote:
> Go back to
> On 09/01/2021 20:42, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>> A change in LyX broke the use of SyncTeX with OSX (bug
>> #12063).  This was due to inconsistencies in our underlying Qt
>> libraries.  Thus, a new version fixing that problem has been
>> released.
> [...]
> And try to symlink python3 to a directory in your PATH
> 	ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
> or if that squeals
> 	sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python
> If you run
> 	find /Applications/ -type f -exec grep python {} ';'
> you'll see that a number of files want python (and not python3).
> As an aside:
> 	I use homebrew's python3.10.8 which symlinks to
> 	/usr/local/bin/python3 and if I am not mistaken to
> 	/usr/local/bin/python (but I may have done this manually) so
> 	python is always found and always equates to the (latest)
> 	python (3.10.*) installed by homebrew.
> 		Added complication for homebrew is of course that on the
> 		M1 /usr/local is replaced by /opt/homebrew in the above,
> 		but as that's in my PATH it doesn't matter.
> 	As my two Desktop machines do not support Ventura I'll have to
> 	software update them after the (long) weekend (at the coast
> 	:-)-O) to 12.6.2 and see what that does.  12.6.1 has
> 	/usr/bin/pythin3 as well but that's 3.9.6
> 	There is a reason for this (homebrew) madness.  Namely I need
> 	to run some Python modules (installed with PIP) and I need the
> 	same version on all of my machines, obviously :-)-O
> greetings, el
> On 28/10/2022 19:26, mkriele--- via lyx-users wrote:
>> This should be okay.  After downgraded to 12.6.1, I installed
>> python and tried the command „which python“ etc.  This only
>> yielded python3 but not python or python2.  However, I could
>> install LyX without any problems.  Obviously, I did not try this
>> on Ventura.
>> Marcus
> [...]
> -- 
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