MWE: two issues need resolving

Steve Litt slitt at
Sat Oct 29 11:45:36 UTC 2022

I'm taking the unusual step of top-posting because my comments pertain
to the entirety of Rich's post...

Rich, this was not a quality MWE. The map's PDF had a hard-coded path
that needed to be erased. Your bibliographies failed because you didn't
include ../jabrefdb.bib, or at least it didn't exist on my computer.
Given that your complaints didn't seem to involve your bibliography, it
would have made our lives easier if you'd removed your bibliography
reference, and also if your MWE operated from files in one directory,
and you tested to make sure only the asked-about problems were in the

After taking the time to remove hard coded paths, get rid of your
bibliography entry (because no ../jabrefdb.bib), and set your
bibliography back to Bibtex(Basic), it compiled on my LyX Version, and by clicking your map image and checking the "scale
graphics" box and putting a number in the field to its right, I was
able to scale the map, on the resulting compiled PDF, to any size I
wanted to, including 75%, which didn't page feed.

If your LyX version is later than then maybe the version change
accounts for your image scaling trouble. Otherwise, go back and make
your MWE a real MWE and keep narrowing it down until you find the root


Steve Litt 
Summer 2022 featured book: Thriving in Tough Times

Rich Shepard said on Fri, 28 Oct 2022 10:32:18 -0700 (PDT)

>The figure will not resize. Originally at 75% text width I tried to
>make it smaller so it wouldn't be on a page by itself, but even at 25%
>it stays the same size when I compile the document. Also, I modified
>the caption and the change is not shown in the compiled .pdf. Perhaps
>this is related to the next issue:
>Compiling the document produces errors that the old-format, '\sc', is
>no longer valid, but the error points to a PDF stored in JabRef. I've
>no idea where pdflatex finds that code in a .pdf file.
>Not a fun start to Friday. The .lyx file, .pdf image, and .pdf article
>are available (for 5 days) from
>as the 2+Mb file is too large for the mail list.
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