MWE: two issues need resolving
Rich Shepard
rshepard at
Fri Oct 28 21:04:38 UTC 2022
On Fri, 28 Oct 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I cropped the image when I loaded it in the original document two years ago.
> See attached.
> There is no 'trim' here so there's nothing for the pdfcrop command.
Herbert explained what I was doing incorrectly. Using pdfcrop the thin white
margins around the figure were cropped off. But, trimmed to have no exterior
white space the file still will not compile with pdflatex.
The complaint is using the deprecated '\sc' style at the beginning of the
first cited reference, but that LaTeX style code is not in jabref.bib and
I've no issues using JabRef imports to LyX documents for projects on which
I've worked the past couple of months.
I'm lost. In the years I've run LyX I've not before encountered this.
The log file is attached and I'm not seeing what in all this that tells me
how to fix this error.
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This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.22 (TeX Live 2021 on Slint) (preloaded format=pdflatex 2021.10.13) 28 OCT 2022 13:36
entering extended mode
restricted \write18 enabled.
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ace for scrlayer)
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e styles)
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l.jpg, id=1, 346.896pt x 241.703pt>
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atural.jpg Graphic file (type jpg)
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Package pdftex.def Info: 4_home_rshepard_documents_monographs_storm-water-manag
ement_water-cycle-natural.jpg used on input line 41.
(pdftex.def) Requested size: 232.62215pt x 162.0803pt.
in-river-network.png, id=14, 734.745pt x 543.02875pt>
File: 5_home_rshepard_documents_monographs_storm-water-management_hydrographs-b
y-basin-river-network.png Graphic file (type png)
<use 5_home_rshepard_documents_monographs_storm-water-management_hydrographs-by
Package pdftex.def Info: 5_home_rshepard_documents_monographs_storm-water-manag
ement_hydrographs-by-basin-river-network.png used on input line 80.
(pdftex.def) Requested size: 348.93323pt x 257.8916pt.
[2 <./4_home_rshepard_documents_monographs_storm-water-management_water-cycle-n
atural.jpg>] [3 <./5_home_rshepard_documents_monographs_storm-water-management_
f, id=26, 469.755pt x 396.48125pt>
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ns.pdf Graphic file (type pdf)
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ement_map-wx-stations.pdf used on input line 209.
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[4] [5 <./7_home_rshepard_documents_monographs_storm-water-management_map-wx-st
ations.pdf>] [6] [7]
Overfull \hbox (8.55595pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 368--384
\T1/ppl/m/n/10.95 Natural ecosys-tems are com-plex and try-ing to un-der-stand
them is filled with un-cer-tain-ties. Aquatic
[8] [9] (./storm-water-management.bbl
! Class scrartcl Error: undefined old font command `\sc'.
See the scrartcl class documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.4 {\sc
Cronshey, R., McCuen, R.H., Miller, N., Rawls, W., Robbins, S., \&
You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection scheme
called NFSS2 with several new, combinable font commands. KOMA-Script
classes had defined the old font commands like `\sc' only for compatibility
with old LaTeX 2.09 document styles of Script 2.0. Nevertheless, these
commands are deprecated and undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013
KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of these deprecated commands.
Now, after two decades of LaTeX2e and NFSS2, these commands will not work any
more. If loading a package results in this error message, you should contact
the author of that package and ask him to replace the deprecated font command
`\sc', e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape `. Otherwise you should reconfigure
or replace the package. If you have used the old font command `\sc' yourself,
you should replace it, e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape '.
To make it work for now, you can use the already also deprecated class option
! Class scrartcl Error: undefined old font command `\sc'.
See the scrartcl class documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.10 {\sc
{National Research Council}}. 2001.
You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection scheme
called NFSS2 with several new, combinable font commands. KOMA-Script
classes had defined the old font commands like `\sc' only for compatibility
with old LaTeX 2.09 document styles of Script 2.0. Nevertheless, these
commands are deprecated and undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013
KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of these deprecated commands.
Now, after two decades of LaTeX2e and NFSS2, these commands will not work any
more. If loading a package results in this error message, you should contact
the author of that package and ask him to replace the deprecated font command
`\sc', e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape `. Otherwise you should reconfigure
or replace the package. If you have used the old font command `\sc' yourself,
you should replace it, e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape '.
To make it work for now, you can use the already also deprecated class option
! Class scrartcl Error: undefined old font command `\sc'.
See the scrartcl class documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.15 {\sc
Rosgen, D.L.} 1996.
You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection scheme
called NFSS2 with several new, combinable font commands. KOMA-Script
classes had defined the old font commands like `\sc' only for compatibility
with old LaTeX 2.09 document styles of Script 2.0. Nevertheless, these
commands are deprecated and undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013
KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of these deprecated commands.
Now, after two decades of LaTeX2e and NFSS2, these commands will not work any
more. If loading a package results in this error message, you should contact
the author of that package and ask him to replace the deprecated font command
`\sc', e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape `. Otherwise you should reconfigure
or replace the package. If you have used the old font command `\sc' yourself,
you should replace it, e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape '.
To make it work for now, you can use the already also deprecated class option
! Class scrartcl Error: undefined old font command `\sc'.
See the scrartcl class documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.20 {\sc
Shepard, R.B.} 2016.
You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection scheme
called NFSS2 with several new, combinable font commands. KOMA-Script
classes had defined the old font commands like `\sc' only for compatibility
with old LaTeX 2.09 document styles of Script 2.0. Nevertheless, these
commands are deprecated and undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013
KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of these deprecated commands.
Now, after two decades of LaTeX2e and NFSS2, these commands will not work any
more. If loading a package results in this error message, you should contact
the author of that package and ask him to replace the deprecated font command
`\sc', e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape `. Otherwise you should reconfigure
or replace the package. If you have used the old font command `\sc' yourself,
you should replace it, e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape '.
To make it work for now, you can use the already also deprecated class option
! Class scrartcl Error: undefined old font command `\bf'.
See the scrartcl class documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.22 ... {\em Journal of regulatory science}, {\bf
4}, 10--17.
You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection scheme
called NFSS2 with several new, combinable font commands. KOMA-Script
classes had defined the old font commands like `\bf' only for compatibility
with old LaTeX 2.09 document styles of Script 2.0. Nevertheless, these
commands are deprecated and undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013
KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of these deprecated commands.
Now, after two decades of LaTeX2e and NFSS2, these commands will not work any
more. If loading a package results in this error message, you should contact
the author of that package and ask him to replace the deprecated font command
`\bf', e.g., by `\normalfont \bfseries `. Otherwise you should reconfigure
or replace the package. If you have used the old font command `\bf' yourself,
you should replace it, e.g., by `\normalfont \bfseries '.
To make it work for now, you can use the already also deprecated class option
! Class scrartcl Error: undefined old font command `\sc'.
See the scrartcl class documentation for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.25 {\sc
USFS}. 2012.
You should note that since 1994 LaTeX2e provides a new font selection scheme
called NFSS2 with several new, combinable font commands. KOMA-Script
classes had defined the old font commands like `\sc' only for compatibility
with old LaTeX 2.09 document styles of Script 2.0. Nevertheless, these
commands are deprecated and undocumented at least since 2003. Since 2013
KOMA-Script classes warned about soon removement of these deprecated commands.
Now, after two decades of LaTeX2e and NFSS2, these commands will not work any
more. If loading a package results in this error message, you should contact
the author of that package and ask him to replace the deprecated font command
`\sc', e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape `. Otherwise you should reconfigure
or replace the package. If you have used the old font command `\sc' yourself,
you should replace it, e.g., by `\normalfont \scshape '.
To make it work for now, you can use the already also deprecated class option
) [10]
LaTeX3 Info: Redefining command \BeforeClosingMainAux with sig. 'm' on line
(LaTeX3) 506.
LaTeX3 Info: Redefining command \BeforeClosingMainAux with sig. 'm' on line
(LaTeX3) 506.
(./storm-water-management.aux) )
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