MWE: two issues need resolving
Herbert Voss
Herbert.Voss at
Fri Oct 28 19:15:32 UTC 2022
Am 28.10.22 um 19:32 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> Not a fun start to Friday. The .lyx file, .pdf image, and .pdf article are
> available (for 5 days) from
> <>
> as the 2+Mb file is too large for the mail list.
you have to clip the image by
trim=2.25cm 12cm 2.25cm 1.5cm,clip
or (what makes more sense) to crop the pdf image before using:
pdfcrop image.pdf -> creates image-crop.pdf
I edited your example: changing the location of the image (documents
and inserting the above trim options.
It looks buggy inside LyX because it doesn't take the trim values into
The pdf is ok (see attached screenshot)
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Rural drainage basins have many ungauged streams and non-uniform spatial
precipitation patterns and weather station locations; for example, Figure
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Weather stations in Clackamas County, Oregon (red dots; roads are in grey).
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In urban areas methods such as the process described in the Natural Resources
Conservation Service
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NRCS; formerly the Soil Conservation Service, SCS.
Technical Report TR-55 (
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) are sufficient for regulatory compliance in most cases.
Calculating detention/retention basin volumes using storm intensities of
varying frequencies is a well defined process.
Combined with sediment fences, wheel wash areas for vehicles, and flocculent
treatments storm water management is relatively easy to implement.
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