Bibliography filtering by type

Oliver Margraf lists at
Thu Oct 20 06:29:59 UTC 2022

Am 20.10.22 um 07:17 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> Am Dienstag, dem 18.10.2022 um 21:04 +0200 schrieb Oliver Margraf:
>> However with the change (bibliography just put in from the list
>> menu), I have now the problem of getting one full, unseparated
>> bibliography and I don't know how to get my "old" sorting. Because
>> when I try to set the option of the printbibliography command in the
>> option of the LyX-biblatex entry (obviously one entry corresponding
>> to the former printbib-command), I get that section from my bib
>> printed, however, I couldn't find out how to get the "main" section
>> "Biblography" on top and into the toc - if I add a biblatex-bib on
>> top, I get (of course) full bibliography before the "filtered"
>> sections.
> For the code you showed, you need to insert 5 Bib(la)TeX Bibliography
> insets, and add the options you want for each \printbibliography to the
> respective inset. This should work.
> If it doesn't, please send a complete minimal example file of the
> previous (working) way and your failing approach.
> I also tried that - however then I won't get a "Bibliography" entry in 
the toc and (logically) only the subheadings, so this would work yet 
then I would need to know how to add the toc entry and the main heading 
"Bibliography". When I try to use the construct I had used with the "old 
style", LaTex is not happy with appendix then and aborts the compilation.
In the old way I used to put these lines before the printbib-command 
which put the toc entry and then the subsections:


Yet since the change of the usage this is not working anymore because of 
the different setup - which I have no problem with (on the contrary, I 
think it makes it easier to handle), I just would like to understand how 
to create "my old setting" with the new way. Obviously I'm overlooking 
sth. :-)

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