Bibliography filtering by type

Oliver Margraf lists at
Tue Oct 18 19:04:24 UTC 2022

Dear list,

I have used LyX for some time and came now across the change of the 
handling of the bibliography in 2.3.6. I managed to understand the 
changes concering inserting a biblography, changes towards the preamble 
and the change of using the options, however I have the following problem:
When I insert my bibliograpy, I separate it by the type of entry (as a 
subbibliography). In the old form (with the biblatex entry set into a 
note), I had a LaTeX box with entries like these:

in Journals und Tagungsbänden}]
aus Sammelbänden}]

However with the change (bibliography just put in from the list menu), I 
have now the problem of getting one full, unseparated bibliography and I 
don't know how to get my "old" sorting. Because when I try to set the 
option of the printbibliography command in the option of the 
LyX-biblatex entry (obviously one entry corresponding to the former 
printbib-command), I get that section from my bib printed, however, I 
couldn't find out how to get the "main" section "Biblography" on top and 
into the toc - if I add a biblatex-bib on top, I get (of course) full 
bibliography before the "filtered" sections.
If I try to work without the insert of the Bibliography from LyX and use 
LaTeX Code like this:

in Journals und Tagungsbänden}]
aus Sammelbänden}]

I get a problem with the appendix - LyX gives me an LaTeX error like this:

LaTeX Error: Something's wrong --perhaps a missing \item
  ...on}{\numberline {A}Anhang}{21}{appendix.A}
Try typing  <return>  to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type  X <return>  to quit.

So my question is: How do I get the Bibliography-section (also in the 
toc), plus the bib splitted into the specified types?
I tried to search the archives, but couldn't find anything matching.


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