Book about LyX 2.4

Dr Eberhard Lisse nospam at lisse.NA
Tue Oct 18 11:44:28 UTC 2022


I have an (almost) 1000 page ops handbook of 25 chapters (child
documents) and a common include.tex with 330 includes (listings and
images) and a 550 line Makefile.

It displays in 12 point font in landscape when I need to work something
(like recently reinstalling Perl from Homebrew) and I am DYING to lay my
hands on production LyX 2.4 so I can refine this to export cleanly to
DocBook and thus to Kindle so I can easily carry this around on iPad

Can't use dev in production (medical practice) and don't think
can read the new format yet.

I will share my experiences here :-)-O


On 17/10/2022 22:03, Ricardo Berlasso wrote:
> @ Eberhard Lisse
>> when 2.4 final is out you should look at exporting this to DocBook
> because then it can go onto the Kindle...
> I'll do!

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