Error of compilation with lilypond if i use accents in lyx

Faure Frédéric fdrfaure at
Sun Oct 16 07:37:15 UTC 2022


if i take the lyx file,  manual of lilypond given in the menu / specific 
manual / lilypond,

i can compile it and get a nice  pdf file.

But if in this lyx file, i add  the character: é

(with an accent) and ask for the pdf file, then i get the following 
error (without more explanation):

Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'exécution :

lilypond-book --safe --pdf --latex-program=pdflatex --lily-output-dir=ly-pdf


Can anyone can explain me how to resolve this problem please?


Best regards,

Frédéric Faure

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