Top toolbar missing after switching from debian 10 to debian 11 (bullseye)

Pavel Sanda via lyx-users lyx-users at
Fri May 13 08:39:22 UTC 2022

On Thu, May 12, 2022 at 09:56:08AM -0700, John White wrote:
> The main lyx tool bar is gone, the one with 
> File, Edit, View, Insert, Navigate, Document, Tools, Help.

So you mean menu, right?

> Any thoughts on how I might get it back?

For starter I would try:
1. Alt+x 		//(you should get command buffer active, so you can write the command bellow, altenatively access via alt+v, b, Command Buffer )
2. ui-toggle menubar	//enable&disable menu

Exit and launch lyx again to see whether menubar stays visible.

If not, exit all lyx instances and try removing ~/.config/LyX/lyx.conf.
If that does not help, check whether you dont have specific ui in user settings (e.g. try to rename ~/.lyx to e.g. ~/.lyx.old and laucnh lyx).
If that does not help, what kind of desktop manager do you have? (Some very old versions of Ubuntu's Unity was playing nasty tricks with menu, this might be something similar).


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