EPUB converter
Steve Litt
slitt at troubleshooters.com
Fri Mar 25 23:40:39 UTC 2022
Steve Litt via lyx-users said on Fri, 25 Mar 2022 18:09:56 -0400
>And please make the output well-formed XML as well as HTML5. HTML5 can,
>but doesn't have to be, well formed XML. It's a couple orders of
>magnitude easier to deal with if the exported HTML has all opening tags
>accompanied by closing tags, and for tags that both open and close
>(<br/> for instance), be sure to put the trailing slash.
The following simple Python3 program checks to make sure the file that
is its argument is well-formed XML. It's also attached as an
attachment. By using this program on LyX' HTML exports, you can verify
that the HTML is also well formed XML.
# Copyright 2017 by Steve Litt
# Expat license: https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/License:Expat
import sys
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
fname = sys.argv[1]
print('\nTesting for well formedness {} ...\n'.format(fname))
tree = ET.parse(fname)
except ET.ParseError as err:
(line, col) = err.position
code = str(err.code)
errmsg = 'ERROR: {}'.format(str(err))
if re.search(' ', errmsg):
print('Replace all with to solve problem.')
print('Congrats, {} is well formed!'.format(fname))
Steve Litt
March 2022 featured book: Making Mental Models: Advanced Edition
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