How to add Hebrew hyphenruls?

ehud.behar at ehud.behar at
Mon Mar 21 15:53:36 UTC 2022

I am writing a document in Hebrew. Choosing "Hebrew" as the document's language together with Language Package Automatic (and ticking "Use Non TeX font") adds the following to the preamble:


(which is correct)

Now I want to add some Hebrew hyphenation rules. For that one should add after the above three lines the rules as an hyphenrules environment, like the following:




These kind of rules should appear after loading polyglossia.

How can I tell LyX about those hyphenrules? If I insert it to the document preamble via the document settings dialogue, then the rules are called before​ polyglossia and I get an error.

Any idea or suggestion for that?

The other thing I can do is to choose "None" in the Language package and just type manually all the commands (use polyglossia, declare languages, state the hyphen rules).

But that sort of misses the help LyX editor offers me - to type manually less commands.
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