search in master

Steve Litt slitt at
Tue Mar 8 18:27:51 UTC 2022

Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users said on Mon, 7 Mar 2022 19:16:09 +0100

>Am 07.03.22 um 19:11 schrieb Steve Litt via lyx-users:
>> Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users said on Mon, 7 Mar 2022 18:46:39
>> +0100 
>>> It seems that I can't search for items in child documents in the
>>> master, but have to go to the various childs in the master and
>>> repeat there the search. Or is there something I missed?
>>> Wolfgang  
>> grep
>> SteveT

>do you mean I can use the grep in lyx?? How?

Not in LyX, from the command prompt. It will tell you which child
file(s) has the target string. Then you load that child file into LyX.


Steve Litt 
March 2022 featured book: Making Mental Models: Advanced Edition

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