EPUB converter

Ken Kopelson kenbkop at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 03:24:02 UTC 2022

Hi Jürgen,
Thank you for the message. As for my time usage, I have already built the
external converter, because I have books that are on a publishing schedule,
and they need to get out there. My question is where I go from here. I'm
not sure if the LyX team realizes just how many self-publishing authors are
out there in the world. It is a very large number. When I joined the
Self-Publishing School (with thousands of students all writing books), I
found that nobody even knew about LyX. I think authors should be using LyX,
but it needs to be easier, and EPUB/Kindle is absolutely mandatory.

I am willing to talk with the guy who is writing the EPUB output, and help
him make it better. Even if only to serve as a consultant, since a) I'm a
developer with decades of experience, b) I'm a published book author, and
c) I've written a fully-working external converter from LyXHTML to EPUB.
Given all of that, I think I can be of service to the LyX project, at least
in some capacity. Can you please put me in touch with the individual that I
should speak with?

Many thanks,
*Ken Kopelson*
(619) 733-3374

On Sun, Mar 6, 2022 at 1:09 AM Jürgen Spitzmüller via lyx-users <
lyx-users at lists.lyx.org> wrote:

> Am Samstag, dem 05.03.2022 um 12:47 -0800 schrieb Ken Kopelson via lyx-
> users:
> > Does anyone know how I can get in touch with the people who are
> > working on the EPUB export in version 2.4?
> Via the lyx-devel list. EPUB is Thibaut's field who has re-implemented
> DocBook support completely for 2.4.0, and epub on top of that.
> > I want to gauge if it will be worth it for me to put my converter
> > out. This will depend on:
> >
> > 1) When 2.4 will be released
> Nobody can answer this seriously at the moment. 2.4 is basically done,
> but there is no release schedule yet and many developers are busy with
> their real lifes.
> > 2) How good the EPUB export will be
> I suggest you checkout LyX 2.4.x from the repository yourself, try and
> report back. I don't think it has been heavily tested except by the
> person you implemented it.
> Generally I'd say your time would be better invested in helping to
> improve LyX's own EPUB output than building an external converter. And
> feedback on how to improve the epub output is certainly most welcome.
> Best,
> Jürgen
> --
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> lyx-users at lists.lyx.org
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