Support for xfig graphics (Solved)

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes at
Sat Jun 25 18:02:04 UTC 2022

Le 25/06/2022 à 17:42, Dr Eberhard W Lisse a écrit :
> Well, I see two things :-)-O
> You didn't include it as graphic but as external file, so it does not
> preview in the lyX file.  Cosmetic, but I wonder why one would do that.

Why one who do what? Use the external inset machinery? It allows to 
handle the case where xfig produces both a LaTeX file (with the text) 
and a pdf file (with the image).

> And indeed the stock lacks a shebang on my Mac which I
> would not consider a feature so I have raised it as
> on the tracker.

Could you elaborate on why this caused the issue?


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