Inserting graphics located in directory from which lyx is executed

Daniel xracoonx at
Mon Jul 25 07:29:08 UTC 2022

On 2022-07-24 23:32, David Halpern wrote:
> I am having the following problem in linux (fedora 36). I have a a 
> directory called Docs that contains a lyx file together with eps files 
> that I would like to insert in the lyx file. To insert a figure, I 
> select Insert, choose Float and then select Figure. Then inside the 
> Float, I again select Insert, and choose Graphics. In the Graphics menu, 
> I click on Browse. Unfortunately, I don't get a list of the list of eps 
> files that are in the same directory as the lyx file and from which I 
> issued the command "lyx". I have to change directories, and this is 
> particularly cumbersome since I end up having to do this for each 
> float.  I don't seem to have the same problem when using lyx on a Mac.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thank you.
> David Halpern

So, basically, LyX does not start the file dialog in your document's 
directory. I can confirm that it works as you expect on macOS. So, maybe 
this is a specific Linux bug?

However, I think even on macOS it doesn't work ideally. Instead of 
always starting in the document's directory, I think it would be better 
if LyX would remember (at least for the current session) the directory I 
have been inserting the last image from for this document. This is also 
how it works in other word processors that I have tested (Writer, Word) 
This would be useful in case I have all my images stored in a different 
(central) directory. And it would sufficiently solve the problem with 
systems not behaving (such as Linux reported above) as well, I guess.


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