Adding footnote to table cell [RESOLVED]

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Thu Jul 7 23:12:14 UTC 2022

On Thu, 7 Jul 2022, Rich Shepard wrote:

> Well, huh! That works. When I added it to the preamble I wondered if the
> order of \usepackage{} was important, but had no idea whether it was. This
> module is locaton-sensitive for some reason.

Paul, Herbert, et al.:

Changing the sequence of the \usepackage{} commands allowed the document to
compile without error. But ... while the pdflatex output showed footnote 7
in the table cell the footnote's contents were not printed at the bottom of
the page below footnote 6.

So, rather than continuing to beat on this issue I moved the footnote from
the cell to the subsbusection title end. Now it compiles without error and
the footnote content is printed.

Thanks all,


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