Question re bib file

Wolfgang Engelmann engelmann at
Thu Jul 7 07:55:04 UTC 2022

I have a larger bib file for a book, for which a lyx file run spits this 

[7580]> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: 
/tmp/biber_tmp_SWLO/d7dc170ec507816e85d64326c042e07e_4336.utf8, line 
7118, syntax error: found ",", expected one of: number, name (entry 
type, key, field, or macro name), end of entry ("}" or ")") or quoted 
string ({...} or "...")

even if I reduce the lyx file to just one reference and using the large 
bib file. There is no Bibliography output in the pdf and the citation is 
not as expected, but a bold author name.

If I, however, use a minimal bib file with just this one citation, it 
works fine.

For me this looks like lyx goes through the (large) bib file, finds 
something which it does not like and does not build a correct pdf 
output, although it could if it would use from the (large) bib file only 
this one reference.

Is this correct? And could it be changed so that one is not forced to 
check the whole bib file for possible errors before submitting it to the 
lyx file?

I use Debian bullseye and
lyx Version 2.4.0dev (not released yet)
Built from git commit hash 53ed3dc0
Qt Version (run-time): 5.15.2 on platform xcb
Qt Version (compile-time): 5.15.2
Python detected: python3 -tt


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