Help! How do I get the File-Edit-View....Help menu back

Wolfgang Engelmann engelmann at
Mon Feb 28 17:16:22 UTC 2022

Am 28.02.22 um 17:52 schrieb Kornel Benko:
> Am Mon, 28 Feb 2022 16:43:36 +0100
> schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users <lyx-users at>:
>> Am 28.02.22 um 15:31 schrieb Kornel Benko via lyx-users:
>>> Am Mon, 28 Feb 2022 14:44:09 +0100
>>> schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users <lyx-users at>:
>>>> Am 28.02.22 um 11:47 schrieb Kornel Benko via lyx-users:
>>>>> Am Mon, 28 Feb 2022 10:38:33 +0100
>>>>> schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users <lyx-users at>:
>>>>>> Am 28.02.22 um 09:32 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller via lyx-users:
>>>>>>> Am Montag, dem 28.02.2022 um 09:22 +0100 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
>>>>>>>> The latter. The question is, what.
>>>>>>> Can you please launch lyx with the option "-dbg gui" and report back
>>>>>>> the messages you get on the terminal?
>>>>>>> Jürgen
>>>>>> Yes, but I would like to remove older lyx completely and try again the
>>>>>> new one before using -dbg gui
>>>>>> Wolfgang
>>>>> Wolfgang, we try to determine the cause to avoid future similar problems.
>>>>> So you could try to proceed as requested too.
>>>>> 	Kornel
>>>> Kornel, Jürgen
>>>> I compiled again after uninstalling respectively removing the package.
>>>> I am enclosing a screenshot of the new lyx, to make sure there is indeed
>>>> a missing third line for file ... helpmenus.
>>>> I also append the terminal output I got with the lyx24x starting it
>>>> after compilation.
>>>> Hope it helps in analyzing.
>>>> I have still in config/Lyx
>>>> lyx240.conf  lyx240.conf.orig  lyx.conf
>>>> after my actions. What are they for?
>>>> Wolfgang
>>> I tried the same (e.g. lyx -dbg gui) but using also non-existing userdir.
>>> The command I used was:
>>> 	$ lyx2.4 -userdir ~/.lyx.test -dbg gui
>>> The first thing I was asked if I want to create this new dir.
>>> (Since you did not mention anything like that, I suppose you are using an old userdir)
>>> The output was similar to yours (but without the xcb-error-messages)
>>> So I propose to try with a non-existing userdir.
>>> 	Kornel
>> Kornel,
>> I am sending it to you privately, because I am completely lost.
>> I used your
>> The command I used was:
>>   > 	$ lyx2.4 -userdir ~/.lyx.test -dbg gui
>> without knowing what it means. I just copied your command (except that I
>> used my lyx24x)
> That's OK.
>> My userdir is in /home/wolfgang
>> Wolfgang
> 1.) userdir is the directory where lyx stores its configuration files. (And where your
> created modules etc will reside.
>     1a) You can find there *.lst, cache, lyxrc.defaults, preferences, etc.
> 2.) How could it come to the output ..../A-SP-WITTE-E-2022FEB21-Master.lyx ??

could you explain this?
> 	Kornel

so it is apparently not there:
wolfgang at Fuji:~$ find -iname 'userdir*'
wolfgang at Fuji:~$ find -iname '*userdir*'
wolfgang at Fuji:~$ sudo find -iname '*userdir*'
[sudo] Passwort für wolfgang:
wolfgang at Fuji:~$

I have in the meantime used my PC with Mint instead of my Debian 
notebook and installed there the lyx 2.4.0dev as lyx24x
It is alright and the uppermost line with (top) the loaded lyx file
below the line with Datei Bearbeiten Ansicht ... Hilfe
(both lines in grey) are diplayed.

These two lines are missing in my notebook Debian.
There must be something fundamentally wrong.


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