Why LyX formats digits as small font size

ehud.behar at protonmail.com ehud.behar at protonmail.com
Fri Feb 25 08:19:00 UTC 2022

I have created a module that creates a custom inset for marginal paragraphs. This inset is typed inside the Marginal Note inset.
When I type Hebrew text inside this inset, digits are converted to small font size:

instead of 1​, it is formatted as `{\small{}1}`. Why is it?

This is the module:

#Adds custom inset to be inserted inside Marginal Note.

Format 66

InsetLayout Flex:MarginalRemark
    Requires amssymb
    LyXType        custom
    LabelString    "MarginalRemark"
    LatexType      Command
    LatexName      parbox{\dimexpr\marginparwidth-2\fboxsep}
    Decoration     classic
    NeedProtect    0
    LeftDelim      "$\vartriangleleft$ "

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