Formatting/Equation numbering

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Mon Dec 5 06:00:09 UTC 2022

On 12/4/22 19:57, Dan wrote:
> I know how I can number equations, but I would like the equations to 
> be in the following type of format:
> Eq. 1.1 (equation)
> Eq. 1.2 (equation)
> indented slightly.  IMO I don't like having them centered like the 
> usual Edit, Math, NumberWholeFormula method does.
> I know LaTeX supports defining a user formatting code but I don't know 
> how to do that in LyX.

There are two relevant document class options:

* "fleqn" (flush left equation), which aligns the equation to the left. 
Used by itself, though, it leaves the equation number on the right.

* "leqno" (left equation number), which puts the equation number on the 
left. Used by itself, it centers the equation still.

BUT, if you use BOTH options, then you get what you want.

How to do it in LyX? Look at Document> Settings> Document Class. The 
"Custom" field allows you to enter class options. In your case, you 
could enter "fleqn,leqno". Any class options can be entered here.

However, LyX also has native support for this under Document> Settings> 
Math Options. The Formula Numbering Side option is self-explanatory. You 
would want "Left". This adds "leqno" behind the scenes. The other one is 
the Indent Formulas checkbox. The tooltip explains what it does: It 
indents instead of centering equations. So you can check that. If you 
leave it at "Default", then it just adds "fleqn"; you can also, however, 
control the indent here by selecting "Custom" and entering a length 
(which gets set as the \mathindent).

This is all in the Math manual, under Help.


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