SOLVED > lyx not a readable Lyx document

Wolfgang Engelmann engelmann at
Tue Apr 19 08:35:01 UTC 2022

As described behind the #########

I followed JMarcs adviced:

If you still have the directory where you built LyX, then
 >>    gitpull >(should be git pull)

I think I forgot to merge after git pull

I guess it is the easiest to get the dev version anew

By the way, when will the 2.4 version be available?


Am 13.04.22 um 16:48 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> This is a kind reminder to those, who might be able to help
> Wolfgang
> Am 09.04.22 um 19:15 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
>>  >>>>>>> I followed the advice of JMarc >
>> If you still have the directory where you built LyX, then
>>    gitpull >(should be git pull)
>>    make
>> should be enough (you can add "./" as a second line to play 
>> safe). > this I omitted
>> But you have a newer LyX 2.4 somewhere, since you produced a file with 
>> it!
>> JMarc
>> ________________________________
>> The LyX format itself changes regularly during the 2.4.0dev timeline. 
>> lyx2lyx is updated simultaneously.
>> When 2.4.0 is released, the format will be fixed and lyx2lyx (barring 
>> bugs) will stay the same during the lifetime of the branch.
>> The only exception is that the last 2.4 version will get an updated 
>> lyx2lyx that can read the 2.5 format.
>> Likewise, LyX 2.3.7 will be able to read and produce the 2.4.0 format.
>> JMarc
>> ___________________________________
>> and from >
>> 4.  Anonymous Git clone
>>  From within the directory where you want to place your local copy of 
>> the sources, do:
>>   git clone git://
>> This will make a directory lyx and download lots of files into that 
>> directory. (A fresh copy will need about 400MB. However, you will need 
>> a lot more space for the compiled version -- up to 2 GB).
>> You can switch to maintenance branch via git checkout 2.3.x inside the 
>> lyx directory.
>> 5.  After the first download
>> If the code is updated, just cd to the lyx directory and say:
>>   git pull
>> This will magically download or patch only those files which have been 
>> changed or added, saving you (and the server) lots of time.
>> If you just want to check what's changed in your local copy as opposed 
>> to the repository, do:
>>   git status
>> __________________________
>> git status
>> Auf Branch master
>> Ihr Branch ist auf demselben Stand wie 'origin/master'.
>> Änderungen, die nicht zum Commit vorgemerkt sind:
>>    (benutzen Sie "git add <Datei>...", um die Änderungen zum Commit 
>> vorzumerken)
>>    (benutzen Sie "git restore <Datei>...", um die Änderungen im 
>> Arbeitsverzeichnis zu verwerfen)
>>          geändert:       po/ ....
>> keine Änderungen zum Commit vorgemerkt (benutzen Sie "git add" 
>> und/oder "git commit -a")
>> _______________________________
>>  >>>>>>>>> however, after it and after
>> ./configure --with-version-suffix=lyx24n
>> (I unfortunately forgot --bindir=/usr/local/bin)
>> make
>> make install
>> and running a lyx file I get again:
>> Warning: 609: Format not supported.
>> Warning: Quitting.
>> Error: Dokumentformat-Fehler
>> ----------------------------------------
>> /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.VqwdxGawWrac/Buffer_convertLyXFormatZYzSIl.lyx ist 
>> kein lesbares LyX-Dokument.
>> qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 5 (BadAtom), sequence: 818, 
>> resource id: 0, major code: 20 (GetProperty), minor code: 0
>> Warning: 609: Format not supported.
>> Warning: Quitting.
>> Error: Dokumentformat-Fehler
>>  >>>>>>>>>>>>
>> I am confused.
>> Does it mean, I have to get all the git stuff again, because for some 
>> reason the git pull does not update the git stuff, although it says so 
>> in the ?
>> Wolfgang

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