Custom environment with overset labels and cross-references

Riccardo chionatan at
Mon Apr 18 14:04:24 UTC 2022

Dear all,
I'm trying to implement a module to allow labelling as oversets in
I have managed to use effectively the solution proposed here:

And here is the result:
[image: image.png]

However it conceptually reverses labelling and referencing (see the
preamble and body in the attached LyX file).

Therefore I have two questions?
1. Does anyone know of a cleaner solution? It doesn't need to be compatible
with the amsmath package, but I wish it could be.
2. Is there any "getting started" page to write custom modules for LyX
(other than plain LateX code)? Even if the behaviour is reversed, I would
at least try to make it appear as if it is not. Any suggestion would be

Best regards,
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