Insert plain commands into the document with an Inset

ehud.behar at ehud.behar at
Sat Apr 9 20:33:30 UTC 2022

If it is not possible to achieve, then I would like to know it isn't.

------- Original Message -------
On Wednesday, April 6th, 2022 at 9:57 PM, <ehud.behar at> wrote:

> How can I create an Inset that once inserted into the document, adds the following commands to the document?:
> \mainmatter
> \pagestyle{fancy} % new page style
> \newgeometry{ new page layout goes here }
> Of course, I can insert these commands with ERT, but I prefer them to be defined a more GUI friendly object.
> If I create a new flex inset, it either adds an environment (\begin{LatexName }...\end{LatexName ) or a command (\LatexName{...}). I don't need any text (ERT or anything else) to be inserted into this inset. Just to insert those commands into the document.
> The List Of Figures insertion, for example, does something similar, but it has some information such as Placement and Extension that are irrelevant in my case.
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