Trouble with quote (") character on LyX (2021-01-07)

Busch, Andreas Andreas.Busch at
Tue Apr 5 13:50:38 UTC 2022


it’s been a while since I have last used LyX (a couple of years), but for a major project I come back to this great app. I used it in the past, and want to say how grateful I am to everyone contributing to this great piece of software!

Having just finished writing an article in German on my Mac (running on the most recent version of macOS 12.3.1), I discovered several strange problems that concern the quote character (") - Shift 2 on a German keyboard:

a) While I can write it in LyX, I cannot search for it. I can put it into the search box, but the LyX editor will not find quote marks in the document. (I know that under Document" -> Settings I can choose various types of quote signs; I left it to the standard, which (in German) means typographic quote marks.

b) Only the opening quote marks are being exported when I export my LyX document to either Word (XML) or Markdown format. Yes, I know it sounds strange, but that is how I discovered the problem. Everything works well when exporting the document to pdf (via LaTeX), but not in the other export formats.

So something seems amiss. Since I searched through the mailing list archive, I know that this hasn’t been mentioned here before, which puzzles me even more. Could any of you please confirm that you don’t have the problem - and then help me narrow down where the problem on my machine is?

I’d be so grateful!

Thanks and best wishes,

Prof. Dr. Andreas Busch
Lehrstuhl für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft und Politische Ökonomie
Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen
Editor, German Politics

Geschäftsführender Direktor | Institut für Politikwissenschaft | Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3 | D-37073 Göttingen | Tel. +49-(0)551-39-27862 / -24140 (Sekr.)
Email: andreas.busch at | Website Lehrstuhl:
If you expect a prompt reply please contact my secretary or me by phone. I read email only sporadically.
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