LaTeX warning explanation needed

Paul A. Rubin parubin73 at
Thu Oct 14 19:35:41 UTC 2021

On 10/14/21 2:27 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Oct 2021, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> Assuming your .bib file does not contain state secrets, how about the
>> following? Create a new LyX doc (MWE) in which you just cite everything
>> that gets cited in the actual document. We don't need headings, images,
>> text etc., just the citations. Try compiling that. Assuming the same
>> problems occur, post the LyX MWE and the .bib file and let our resident
>> biblatex experts (of whom I am decidedly not one) try for themselves.
> Paul,
> Good idea, I might have thought of this instead of chasing my tail in
> circles. See both mwe.lyx and mwe.pdf attached.
> Looks like the issue is with Keefer, et al. 2008.
> I'll look at that while folks examine the .lyx file.
> Thanks,
> Rich
Fair warning to others: There's a bug in the MWE that is probably 
separate from what is actually ailing Rich's document. In the MWE, the 
Van Doornik reference is in a "Titlehead" environment (the others are 
"Standard"), and that causes it's own set of problems.


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