LaTeX warning explanation needed
Rich Shepard
rshepard at
Thu Oct 14 18:27:31 UTC 2021
On Thu, 14 Oct 2021, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> Assuming your .bib file does not contain state secrets, how about the
> following? Create a new LyX doc (MWE) in which you just cite everything
> that gets cited in the actual document. We don't need headings, images,
> text etc., just the citations. Try compiling that. Assuming the same
> problems occur, post the LyX MWE and the .bib file and let our resident
> biblatex experts (of whom I am decidedly not one) try for themselves.
Good idea, I might have thought of this instead of chasing my tail in
circles. See both mwe.lyx and mwe.pdf attached.
Looks like the issue is with Keefer, et al. 2008.
I'll look at that while folks examine the .lyx file.
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