compile error not found in document or bibliographic database [RESOLVED]

Rich Shepard rshepard at
Wed Oct 13 15:50:22 UTC 2021

On Wed, 13 Oct 2021, Rich Shepard wrote:

> I think it's related to a biblatex style, but otherwise I've no idea where
> that string is located.

Sure enough. I don't know if it was the citation or bibliography style
variant that caused the error. Regardless, setting both styles to authoryear
(after carefully reading the biblatex.pdf) removed that error when the
compiling the document.

However, I still have the issue of no bibliography in the PDF. The
bibliography is located after the last chapter and before the appendix.
(Removing the empty appendix makes no difference.)

Where should I look for the reason the bibliography isn't in the PDF?


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