JabRef entry warning

Dr Eberhard Lisse nospam at lisse.NA
Wed Oct 13 11:43:12 UTC 2021


this is why I am getting irritated at the (ie his) persistent lack of
sending in MWEs.  Having to go through this (and every time) borders on
the rude, and frustrates people like you (and me) who want to help.

A small file such as your dummy file, producing the error with the
required files allows anyone to just run the sucker and see where the
issue comes from.  Then one can also open the BIB file with another tool
(I like BibDesk on the Mac) and see what errors this flags.

I also find, when I have such an issue myself, reducing the file to
nothing else but the error producing text often makes me find the error

Never mind (him) sending in stuff with typos.


  12/10/2021 20:56, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> I turned your entry into a .bib file, cited it in a dummy document,
> and compiled with biblatex.  It specifically flagged the first entry
> that ended with a comma.  I think the "name" in the error message is
> because it thinks that, after that last comma, there will be another
> name = value pair in the field that it never finds (due to the closing
> brace).  Not the ideal error message in my opinion, but deleting the
> surplus comma did fix it.
> I spotted the "and and" Maria flagged, but in my test that did not
> cause an error message, it just mucked up the printed citation.

To email me replace 'nospam' with 'el'

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