END-OF-FRAME, once again..

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Oct 12 23:12:55 UTC 2021

On Wed, 13 Oct 2021, UD K wrote:

> Steve-- I TOTALLY agree with you about the Lyx/Beamer combo being a
> killjoy experience.  To make matters worse, I use this combination only
> rarely, and in between, pandemics, Former-Presidents and other plagues
> brush away what I knew about using it, so the experience is usually like a
> root-canal: painful, frustrating and disappointing. It is harder to use
> than the much maligned Impress of the even-more-maligned LibreOffice, but
> of course the output, if I ever get to that stage, is MUCH better
> looking.  Whether that improved look is worth the pain depends on your
> pain threshold ;-)


There are other LaTeX presentation tools. But, I do is copy an existing
beamer-class .lyx file to a new presentation's name then modify the new
file. I'll remove frames, enter new titles and contents, and use the same
Settings that worked in the past.

May not be pretty but it works.


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