JabRef entry warning

Rich Shepard rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Oct 12 18:31:39 UTC 2021

On Tue, 12 Oct 2021, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> You have commas at the end of several fields (inside the closing curly
> brace), including institution, which I think is triggering the error
> message.


All key:value pairs end with commas except for the last one.

> You also have a few places with a funky dash separating a pair of numbers,
> rather than a double dash ('--'). That might be the result of copying from
> a PDF and pasting. I don't know if that will also cause any indigestion.

Yes, that's not uncommon. I try to catch and repair them when I enter the
document in JabRef, but aren't always successful. Now corrected.

The error specified the document name, not any key:value pair between the
opening and closing braces:
WARN - Name in key 'Paul2012' is empty (probably consecutive 'and'):
skipping entry 'Paul2012'

The name key has no 'and' in it.

While this is a warning, not an error, I'd still like to have biber accept
it as correct.

Still puzzled,


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