JabRef entry warning
Rich Shepard
rshepard at appl-ecosys.com
Tue Oct 12 17:20:15 UTC 2021
On Tue, 12 Oct 2021, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Warning from 'Paul2012', but you cite 'Paul2017' here.
Mea culpa! The proper entry is:
abstract = {As part of the National Water-Quality Assessment Program of the U.S.
Geological Survey, this study examines the occurrence of nine trace
elements in bed sediment of varying mineralogy and land use and assesses
the possible effects of these trace elements on aquatic-macroinvertebrate
community structure. Samples of bed sediment and macroinvertebrates
were collected from 154 streams at sites representative of undeveloped,
and Naididae all demonstrated resilience to trace-element exposure
and, in some cases, possible changes in physical habitat within stream
ecosystems. The taxa characteristics within the Ozark Highland ecoregion
were different than other ecoregions as evidenced by generally more
diverse mayfly populations. In addition, Baetis sp. was common and
dominated many of the mayfly populations found in the Rocky Mountain
streams within the Mountain Southern Rockies and Mountain Northern
Rockies ecoregions; however, within the Ozark Highland ecoregion,
Tricorythodes sp. appeared to be more common than Baetis sp.},
author = {Paul, A.P. and Paretti, N.V. and MacCoy, D.E. and and Brasher, A.M.D.},
institution = {U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5272,},
keywords = {streams, rivers, benthos, macroinvertebrates, sediments, land use, trace elements, statistics, metals},
number = {Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5272,},
title = {{The occurrence of trace elements in bed sediment collected from areas of varying land use and potential effects on stream macroinvertebrates in the conterminous western United States, Alaska, and Hawaii, 1992–2000.}},
year = {2012}
I redacted most of the abstract to save space as the issue is with the name.
Thanks for pointing out my mistake,
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