JabRef entry warning

Paul A. Rubin parubin73 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 17:04:32 UTC 2021

On 10/12/21 1:00 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> Biber tells me "WARN - Name in key 'Paul2012' is empty (probably 
> consecutive
> 'and'): skipping entry 'Paul2012'" and the entry in the jabrefdb.bib is:
> @techreport{Paul2017,
>     abstract = {This paper summarizes the application of algae as 
> indicators of nutrient
>     pollution in water quality management. It describes the use of algal
>     indicators to develop water quality diagnostics for nutrient 
> pollution
>     in the United States (U.S.) and then reviews scientific developments
>     in the use and application of algal indicators across the world.
>     The paper is intended as a technical resource for the water quality
>     manager/practitioner seeking to utilize algae to detect the presence
>     of nutrient pollution and to estimate the risks of nutrient pollution
>     in adversely affecting the condition of stream ecosystems.},
>     author = {Paul, M.J.},
>     institution = {Tetra Tech, Inc./ Center for Ecological Sciences},
>     keywords = {streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, algae, pollution, water 
> quality, indicators},
>     pagetotal = {44},
>     title = {{Algal Indicators in Streams: A Review of Their 
> Application in Water Quality Management of Nutrient Pollution}},
>     type = {techreport},
>     year = {2017}
> }
> I'm not seeing the empty error in the name. Why does biber find it empty?
> Rich

You mention 'Paul2012' in the warning but show the entry with key 
'Paul2017'. Is one of those a typo, or did you show us the wrong entry?


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