Bibliography styles

Dr Eberhard Lisse nospam at lisse.NA
Tue Oct 12 14:28:56 UTC 2021


you can have whatever BST file is found by LaTeX, or rather whatever BST
file LyX finds when Tools --> Reconfigure...  is run.

I for one like one called plaindin.bst which for German texts comes with
the din1505 package (via the tlmgr manager) and have hacked me an
English version which resides below texmf-local to survive updates :-)-O

Click on the BibTeX Generated Bibliograpy which you get from

	Insert -> List/TOC -> Bib(la)tex Bibliography...

and then type into the Style field whatever style BST file you have and

BTW, you probably should upgrade (anyway) from (!)  to

greetings, el

On 11/10/2021 19:23, Rich Shepard wrote:
> The last document with a bibliography used the APA style. I don't see that
> in the list of styles in With what style has it been replaced?
> TIA,
> Rich

To email me replace 'nospam' with 'el'

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