Bibliography styles

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Tue Oct 12 14:14:58 UTC 2021

Am 12.10.21 um 15:47 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> On Mon, 11 Oct 2021, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> I assume you are compiling the doc from LyX. The log will be in the temp
>> directory where LyX is doing the compiling, and you can view it from LyX
>> via Document > LaTeX Log.
> Paul,
> I've not paid attention to that menu item before today.
> Now, the error displayed when I try to compile the file is: [3697]
>> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem:
> /tmp/biber_tmp_kxRQ/0_home_rshepard_documents_jabrefdb.bib_12116.utf8, 
> line
> 28116, syntax error: found "onnor2019", expected ","

The problem is _before_ line 28116 and often in the entry before, where a
comma is missing at the end of a data entry.


> When I look at jabref.bib's line 28116 it's three below the start of the
> entry:
> @article{O'Connor2019,
>     abstract = {Mercury (Hg) is a potentially harmful trace element in 
> the
>                   environment and one of the World Health Organization's
>                   foremost chemicals of concern. The threat posed by Hg
> and the error refers to the first line, but I don't understand why. 
> Should
> the apostrophe be doubled?
> More importantly, that article is not cited in the document; the only two
> citations from JabRef refer to salmon migration.
> Puzzled,
> Rich

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