Bibliography styles

Paul A. Rubin parubin73 at
Mon Oct 11 21:46:14 UTC 2021

On 10/11/21 5:32 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Oct 2021, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
>> I'm not sure there has been any replacement. I've used "apalike" in the
>> past, but I think the package that is specifically designed to match APA
>> requirements is "apacite". I've got both of them in
> Paul,
> Could be. Actually, I don't know why that document showed APA as the
> bibliography file style since I've been using authordate4 for years.
> Regardless, now I've hit a bibliography glitch that's new for me. I use
> JabRef for my scientific publications database and it's set to use 
> BibLaTeX.
> In Settings -> Bibliography the style format is Biblatex (natbib mode),
> variant authoryear; biblatex citation style is authoryear; biblatex
> bibliography style is authoryear.
> Using Insert -> List/ToC -> Bib(la)tex bibliography I put the 
> bibliography
> toward the end of the document (ahead of the Appendix). The bibliography
> shows up in the Navigate menu, but not in the complied PDF.
> Always, before the current document, when I selected that database in the
> grey bibliography link and set the style as authoryear4 the citations
> transferred from JabRef to LyX were of the form, AuthorYEAR, and 
> clicking on
> that grey box allowed me to select whether it was surrounded by 
> parentheses,
> had a comma separating author and year, and other styles. Now I get 
> choices
> of only #ID or Key.
> I assume that I'm missing something or have made an incorrect choice
> somewhere and I'd appreciate someone passing me a cluestick so I can fix
> this issue.
> Regards,
> Rich

Any error messages related to the bibliography in the LaTeX log?


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