aux file

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at
Tue Nov 30 16:50:45 UTC 2021

Am 30.11.21 um 17:44 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> Am 30.11.21 um 17:25 schrieb Herbert Voss:
>> Am 30.11.21 um 16:52 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
>>> What is the best way of getting the aux file
>>> a) for a bibtex situation
>>> b) for a biblatex/biber/luatex situation?
>>> I have a large bib file, of which only few references are used
>> Why do you want to get the .aux-file? It is only needed, if you
>> have an error which you cannot solve and where a look into the
>> aux file maybe helpful.
> I do have apparently errors. If I compile the lyx file, the pdf output 
> shows those references as bold.

This has nothing to do with the aux-file, it is a problem with your
citations and the style file or missing keywords in the database.
Look into the log file of the bibtex/biber run.

>> By the way: biblatex creates it's own auxiliary files which are
>> read by biber (beside the aux file).
> and how is this auxiliary file named?

always the main  docname with another extension.


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