Ctrl+R and the little eyeballs icon can only display in qpdfview <SOLVED>

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Sat Nov 27 21:44:26 UTC 2021

Paul A. Rubin said on Thu, 25 Nov 2021 23:11:34 -0500

>On 11/25/21 8:49 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> No matter what I've tried, Ctrl+R and the little eyeballs icon
>> displays the PDF version of the document only in qpdfview. I changed
>> tools=>preferences=>output=>general=>PDF Command to  
>> mupdf "$$o#src:$$f:$$n:0"
>> and yet still, the eyeballs and Ctrl+R display in qpdfview.
>> Why this matters is, alone in all my PDF viewers, qpdfview displays
>> links with annoying boxes around them, even though I did:
>> \usepackage{hyperref }%          Colored, clickable URLs
>> \hypersetup{
>>    hidelinks = true,
>>    colorlinks   = true, %Colours links instead of ugly boxes
>>    urlcolor     = linkcolor, %Colour for external hyperlinks
>>    linkcolor    = linkcolor, %Colour of internal links
>>    citecolor   = green %Colour of citations
>> }
>> So, how does one set the viewer when presses Ctrl+R or clicks the
>> eyeballs?
>> Thanks,
>> SteveT

>Try Tools > Preferences... > File Handling > File Format, select in
>the "Format:" box the way you compile to PDF (so "PDF (pdflatex)" for
>me, since I'm old fashioned), then select your preferred PDF viewer in
>the "Viewer:" menu and click OK. If your preferred viewer is not
>there, select "Custom" and put the command to run the viewer in the
>box alongside the menu.

As I mentioned, the preceding didn't work because the
Tools=>Preferences=>File Handling=>Viewer dropdown gave only "None" and
"Custom" with an ability to fill in a field. Neither changed the
results at all. 

So I changed lyxrc.defaults, but that made no difference, and when I
did a Tools=>Reconfigure, lyxrc.defaults went back to its pre-edit

No problem, I did chattr +i lyxrc.defaults, hard-wiring in mupdf. It
didn't work. So I did a reconfigure, which failed. lyxrc.defaults is
auto-generated, so it's not the proper place to do these things.

Armed with the knowledge that reconfigure.py writes to lyxrc.defaults,
and the fact that I could find no other way to change the PDF viewer, I
edited reconfigure.py, changing the order of the viewers in the array
argument to subroutine CheckViewer(), *only* for a filetype of PDF.
Sure enough it worked, giving me the first viewer, in the array, that
was on my path.

So my solution doesn't enable me to change my eyeball viewer without
editing reconfigure.py and then reconfiguring, but at least it enables
me to use a PDF viewer that correctly reflects the look of links.



Steve Litt 
Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
Technologist http://www.troubleshooters.com/techniques

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